Temperature Control News

The $3.2 billion thermostat… and a more affordable one
In January last year, Google agreed to buy Nest Labs, a start-up company making thermostats (and, more recently, smoke detectors) for $3.2 billion. It’s an astonishing amount of money, particularly for a business that was only started in 2010. The success of the Nest ‘smart’ thermostat was based on it replacing traditional central heating programmers, which consumers find difficult to set up and, more important perhaps, it’s ability to learn. The Nest thermostat is a beautifully designed circular control that learns the pattern of temperatures that you set over time. Within a few days, it programs itself to repeat the pattern.

Temp Controller offers manufacturers more functionality
How can manufacturers of benchtop batch ovens meet their end users’ varying demands for functionality without suffering from increasing associated manufacturing and inventory costs.